Be sure to remember this tip! How can you quickly twist the wires?
#shorts #tips #tricks #lifehack #diy #tools #howto #ideas #electrician #electrical
فكرة عبقرية لاخراج المفتاح من القفل #shorts
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اختراعات بسيطة😲 #shorts #diy #ideas #art #inventions #اختراعات #حيل #افكار
DIY universal clamp for various pipes! Plumbing tips and tricks.
#shorts #diy #plumbing #tips #tricks #tools #lifehack #ideas #diyequipment #tipsandtools
Lubricating the chain and cleaning the sprocket is an important part of maintaining your bike and should be done regularly. Before applying new lubricant, the gearbox and chain should be cleaned and degreased. Here I will show you how to do it easily and simply!
#shorts #diy #bicycle #tips #tricks #chain #cleaning #clean
Welcome to another woodturning video! Thank you for watching!
This oak was TOUGH (but so worth it!) #woodturning #diy #satisfying #shorts
Visit my shop: https://www.henrykeatecarpentry.com
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The Tools and Equipment I Use (Affiliate Links):
Woodturning Lathe: https://tinyurl.com/my-woodturning-lathe
Chuck: https://tinyurl.com/woodturning-chuck
Bowl Gouge: https://tinyurl.com/half-inch-bowl-gouge
Skew Chisel: https://tinyurl.com/skew-chisel
Scraper: https://tinyurl.com/heavy-duty-scraper
Dust Extractor: https://tinyurl.com/dust-extractor
Axminster Face Shield: https://tinyurl.com/Axminster-face-shield
The Different Oils and Finishes I Use (Affiliate Links):
Danish Oil: https://tinyurl.com/danish-oil
Mineral Oil: https://tinyurl.com/food-safe-mineral-oil
Tung Oil: https://tinyurl.com/tung-oil
Cellulose Sanding Sealer: https://tinyurl.com/cellulose-sealer
High Gloss Wax: https://tinyurl.com/glossy-wax
My videos are for entertainment purposes only. Always read the manufacturer's guidelines and safety instructions when using any tools and equipment. Often I don't use the safest method of doing things, so please be responsible for your own safety.
Bamboo creations with Slingshots & cup
bamboo creations with 3 arrow
Bamboo Creations with marvel ball #bamboo #bambooart #diy #slingshots
Bamboo Creations with new slingshots
Bamboo creations with Rover Slingshots