الفيديوهات القصيرة إنشاء

Welcome to another woodturning video! Thank you for watching!
THIS is what oil can do to wood! #woodturning #satisfying #wood #shorts
Visit my shop: https://www.henrykeatecarpentry.com
Find me on Social Media:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/henrykeatecarpentry/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profi....le.php?id=1000876418
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@henryk....eatecarpentry?lang=e
The Tools and Equipment I Use (Affiliate):
Woodturning Lathe: https://tinyurl.com/my-woodturning-lathe
Hollowing Tool: https://bit.ly/hollowing-tool
Chuck: https://tinyurl.com/woodturning-chuck
Bowl Gouge: https://tinyurl.com/half-inch-bowl-gouge
Skew Chisel: https://tinyurl.com/skew-chisel
Scraper: https://tinyurl.com/heavy-duty-scraper
Dust Extractor: https://tinyurl.com/dust-extractor
Axminster Face Shield: https://tinyurl.com/Axminster-face-shield
The Different Oils and Finishes I Use (Affiliate):
Danish Oil: https://tinyurl.com/danish-oil
Mineral Oil: https://tinyurl.com/food-safe-mineral-oil
Tung Oil: https://tinyurl.com/tung-oil
Cellulose Sanding Sealer: https://tinyurl.com/cellulose-sealer
High Gloss Wax: https://tinyurl.com/glossy-wax
My videos are for entertainment purposes only. Always read the manufacturer's guidelines and safety instructions when using any tools and equipment. Often I don't use the safest method of doing things, so please be responsible for your own safety.

من المشاهذ المؤلمة التي خلدها التاريخ وهو ضياع علم عظيم بحرق ملايين الكتب في ساحات #غرناطة

برنامج MSI Afterburner هو أفضل برنامج تعرض بيه درجات الحرارة واستهلاك الطاقة لجهازك وقت الجيم بلاي أو أثناء اللعب بسهولة .. FPS داخل اللعبة بسهولة.#clips